Waterdamage Elina Katara | Waterdamage | 2013 | exhibition overview, Galleria Huuto Jätkäsaari, Helsinki, Finland Elina Katara | Beginning | 2013 | ink on paper Left: Elina Katara | After Flood | 2013 | ink and salt on paper, right: Shell | 2013 | ink and gouache on paper Left: Elina Katara | Hole | 2013 | ink on paper; middle: Usher’s House | 2013 | ink on paper; right: Village | 2013 | ink on paper Elina Katara | Screwup I-III | 2013 | ink on paper Left: Elina Katara | Melusina | 2013 | ink on paper; middle left: Floating | 2013 | ink on paper; middle right: Eel | 2013 | ink on paper; right: Frog Prince Narcissus | 2013 | ink on paper Elina Katara | Inksplotch Self-Portraits | 2013 | ink on paper Elina Katara | Roots in Black | Indian ink, gouache, glue, paper Elina Katara | Holding back I-III & Spillover | 2013 | ink on paper Elina Katara | Heart | 2014 | black and white video/animation, digital frame. Right and above: video still images. A house turns from white into black and grows roots. The roots withdraw and the house turns white again. This movement goes on like a heartbeat. Elina Katara | Calendar | 2013 | ink on paper, paper cuttings. Right: Dream, | 2008 | ink and pencil on paper Elina Katara | Structure I-III | 2013 | ink and gouache on paper Elina Katara | Seeds | 2013 | ink on paper. Right: Mocking Stain | 2013 | ink and gouache on paper About the exhibition